Get Involved

Are you looking to feel fufilled while making a difference? There are many ways you can be part of the team at the Onoway Museum! Contact us for volunteer oppurtunities today!
Become a Member
Membership is $10.00 per calendar year. Members can attend General Meetings held every 3rd Thursday of the month at the Heritage Centre at 7 PM.
Monetary donations are welcome. We accept cash, cheque and card at our office. You may also donate online through We also accept artifact donations that are significant to local history.
The Onoway and District Historical Guild gratefully acknowledges funding assistance from:
Creating and running school programs
Creating displays and exhibits
Researching Onoway’s history
Cataloguing artifacts and phographs
Building maintenance and repairs
Cleaning and detailing artifacts
Cleaning and organizing the museums and its storage spaces
Planning and running fundraising events
Alberta Museums Association
Alliance Pipelines
Community Facility Enhancement Program
Community Foundation
Community Police Radio Network
FCSS Edmonton
FCSS Onoway
Government of Alberta
Government of Canada
Lac Ste. Anne County
Town of Onoway